Multi-Factor Authentication Essentials

WatchGuard Multi-Factor Authentication Essentials exam validates the candidate’s skills and knowledge about the basic concepts of multi-factor authentication. THis exam also tests the abilities of configuring and managing multi-factor authentication and resources with WatchGuard AuthPoint. This exam is good for network administrators having experience in configuring and managing AuthPoint.
MFA Key Concepts
Candidates to successfully complete the Multi-Factor Authentication Essentials exam should understand the key concepts that include:
AuthPoint Knowledge
- Resource configuration
- Group and user configuration
- LDAP and RADIUS integration
- Logon App
- Troubleshooting
General Authentication and Security Knowledge
MFA Authentication Methods
MFA includes an AuthPoint mobile app that users install on their phone. Then, they log in to any protected online service or VPN, they must authenticate with one of these methods:

- Push Notification. In this when a user logs in, AuthPoint sends a push notification to the user’s mobile device. Then, the user approves the push notification to authenticate or denies it to prevent an unauthorized access attempt.
- QR Code. When a user logs in, a QR code appears. The AuthPoint app uses the phone camera to scan the QR code and displays a verification code, which the user must type to authenticate. AuthPoint uses secure QR codes that only the AuthPoint mobile app can decrypt.
- One-Time Password (OTP). When a user logs in, the user must provide a unique, temporary password generated by the AuthPoint app to authenticate.
Components of AuthPoint
AuthPoint has several components:
- AuthPoint Management UI
- Mobile App
- Gateway in AuthPoint
- Logon App
- AuthPoint Agent for ADFS and RD Web
Registering for the Exam
Candidates can register for the exam using the WatchGuard Portal that is for customers or the Learning Center for Partners. Or they can register for exams using the WatchGuard Exam Registration Site. The exams are scheduled on the basis of the time zone associated with the address used when your exam account is created. However, WatchGuard offers exam testing at local Kryterion proctored test centers around the world or with an approved webcam, through Kryterion’s online proctored services (OLP). After creating the account, candidates can schedule or reschedule the exam directly with Kryterion for a time, location, and delivery method that is convenient for you. The steps include:

- Create a Kryterion account.
- Then, Log in to your account.
- After that, click on Schedule an Exam.
Exam Overview
Starting with the Multi-factor Authentication Essentials exam questions, this is a proctored exam that consists of 55 questions. However, these questions include types such as multiple-choice, multiple selection, true/false, and matching. Candidates are required to complete the exam for a maximum of two hours. And, to pass the exam they have to score 75%. This exam will cost $200 USD and comes with two testing options that include:
- Kryterion testing center
- Online, with virtual proctoring through an approved webcam

Course Outline
The Multi-Factor Authentication Essentials Exam evaluates the candidate’s knowledge of the categories in the list. However, for each knowledge category assessed in this exam, the Weight column includes the approximate percentage of exam questions from that knowledge category.
Course Outline for Multi-factor Authentication Essentials Exam was updated in March, 2021.

Topic 1: General
In this the candidates will understand the basic multi-factor authentication concepts that are not unique to AuthPoint. The sections include:
- MFA basics (Watchguard Documentation: Quick Start — Set Up AuthPoint)
- Distinguished names (Watchguard Documentation: Configure Active Directory Authentication)
- Active Directory tools (Watchguard Documentation: Configure Active Directory Authentication)
- SAML roles (Watchguard Documentation: Configure SAML Single Sign-On)
Topic 2: AuthPoint Basics
This will help candidates to understand how to set up AuthPoint. This include sections:
- AuthPoint Gateway (Watchguard Documentation: About Gateways)
- Resources of AuthPoint (Watchguard Documentation: AuthPoint Deployment Guide, Configure MFA)
- AuthPoint authentication policies
Topic 3: Users and Tokens
This provides understanding of how to set up AuthPoint. The sections are:
- AuthPoint external identities
- LDAP synchronization
- LDAP user management
- Hardware tokens and token management
Topic 4: AuthPoint Services
It will help in learning and understanding how to set up AuthPoint. The section in this are:
- Logon App setup
- Logon app resources (Watchguard Documentation: Configure MFA for a Computer or Server)
- Logon app MFA options
- IdP portal resource configuration
- SAML and IdP portal integration
Topic 5: AuthPoint Integrations
This provides understanding and knowledge of configuring RADIUS and SAML authentication. It include:
- RADIUS communication
- RADIUS client resources
- Network location policy objects
- SAML resource configuration
- SAML applications
Topic 6: Troubleshooting
This provides methods to troubleshoot the AuthPoint. The sections in this include:
- User authentication (Watchguard Documentation: User Authentication, User Authentication Steps)
- LDAP synchronization (Watchguard Documentation: Sync Users from Active Directory or LDAP)
- AuthPoint Gateway (Watchguard Documentation: About Gateways)
- RADIUS client (Watchguard Documentation: Configure RADIUS Server Authentication, RADIUS Authentication)
Exam Policies
For the Multi-Factor Authentication Essentials exam, Watchguard provides various policies and accommodations to help candidates understand the exam procedure. Related to this, the policy for rescheduling the Online Proctored Exams, the candidate can do it with no additional costs up to the start time of the exam. And for rescheduling the exams at Kryterion Test Centers, candidates must reschedule or cancel the exam at least 72 hours before the exam start time to avoid additional fees. However, the cancellation refunds are granted by our exam delivery partner, Kryterion, when you cancel your exam with 72 hours notice. No other refund requests are granted.
For More Details and Queries Visit: Multi-Factor Authentication Essentials FAQ
Multi-Factor Authentication Essentials Interview Questions
Let us look at some Multi-Factor Authentication Essentials Interview Questions and see what types and patterns can be expected.

Preparing for WatchGuard Multi-Factor Authentication Essentials Exam
For Multi-Factor Authentication Essentials Exam preparation, WatchGuard provides training and online courseware to help candidates while studying.

However, the methods and resources described above can help but it is strongly recommended that the candidates should configure and use AuthPoint multi-factor authentication before beginning the exam.
Instructor-Led Training
Instructor-led training will help the candidates in getting hands-on experience through the class. However, the classes are held in the region that is sponsored by sales or a local WatchGuard distributor. Watchguard also provides complimentary VILT technology-based training classes for partners. For this, the end-users can register for a class in our network of WatchGuard Certified Training Partners (WCTPs). Partners can register for training using their login. And, end-users can view the current WCTP training schedule on the WatchGuard website.
Online Training
WatchGuard provides candidates video-based courseware that they can use for self-study, or to reinforce instructor-led training. However, to prepare for this exam, review the Multi-Factor Authentication Essentials course. This course is available for partners in the Learning Center in the Partner Portal. And, for end-users, the course is available in the Training & Certification section of WatchGuard Support Center.
Exam Study Guide
The Multi-Factor Authentication Essentials Study Guide helps candidates to study for the Multi-Factor Authentication Essentials certification exam. However, this guide provides in-depth details about the MFA methods, components, resources, and exam description. Candidates can use this guide in conjunction with instructor-led training, online video training, and the WatchGuard Help Center documentation to prepare to take the exam.
Additional Resources
MFA AuthPoint includes detailed information that expands on the principles presented in the Multi-Factor Authentication training courseware. These resources provide a summary of the basic information covered in training classes, videos, and product documentation. Candidates must get hands-on experience with products and technical resources to enhance their skills. This include:
Introduction to AuthPoint
This covers the basics of authentication and provides a brief introduction about the AuthPoint. It is recommended for candidates to go through sections,
AuthPoint Mobile App
The mobile app in AuthPoint includes Push, OR code, and OTP authentication methods. This includes ways to help candidates for installing Authpoint mobile apps and activating the token. This includes sections:
AuthPoint Resources
The AuthPoint resources cover the basic concepts of RADIUS Client, Logon App, and IdP Portal. Further, it includes the AuthPoint advanced resources such as SAML, ADFS, and RD Web. AuthPoint supports the resources that include:
: It is a portal page that shows users the SAML resources available to an authenticated user.
: This resource is used to configure and define access policies for the Logon app.
: This is used to add MFA to Remote Desktop Web Access (RD Web).
: This refers to an application or service that uses RADIUS authentication.
: This is an application or service that uses SAML authentication.
: The resource is used to add MFA to ADFS authentication.
: This resource is used to configure and define access policies for a RESTful API client
Groups and Users
This helps the candidates to understand about the user management. Moreover, in this they will learn to add a group and to assign various access policies. It includes sections:
AuthPoint Gateway
In this the candidates will learn about the AuthPoint and LDAP including the basic concepts of AuthPoint Gateway. This include section:
Hardware Tokens
This will provide a brief overview of hardware tokens and concepts of user management. This include sections:
- Third-Party Hardware Tokens
- User Management
Practice Tests
Practice tests are important during exam preparation time. By assessing yourself with the Multi-Factor Authentication Essentials practice exam tests you will know about your weak and strong areas. However, time plays an essential role during the exam. So, by using Multi-Factor Authentication Essentials practice exam tests you will be able to improve your answering skills that will result in saving a lot of time. Moreover, the best way to start doing practice tests is after completing one particular topic as this will work as a revision part for you. There are many sources that provide free practice tests for Multi-Factor Authentication Essentials Exam.
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