MS-600: Building Applications and Solutions FAQ

The MS-600: Building Applications and Solutions with MS-365 Core Services certification aims to enhance your knowledge in the application of Microsoft-365 Core services. So the candidates planning to attain the certification must go through the common MS-600 Exam FAQ. This will assist you in gaining a clear grasp on the exam objectives and assisting you in your preparation.
Top Microsoft: MS-600 FAQ
Read the top-most MS-600 FAQ below –
1. How many questions will there be on the exam?
The MS-600 Exam contains 40 to 60 questions.
2. Which testing formats and question types will be there in the exam I’m taking?
Microsoft keeps introducing innovative testing technologies and different question types, on a regular basis. Therefore, Microsoft does not provide for the specific patterns that might appear in the exam.
3. How much time will I have to complete the exam?
You will a total of 120 minutes to complete the exam. The seat time will be 150 minutes, i.e., the time that you must allocate for the exam.
4. How does Microsoft decide how many questions on a particular subject to include on the exam?
Subject-matter experts outside of Microsoft set the competencies to assess in the exam. The blueprinting process determines the number of questions to evaluate these skill categories.
5. Will the exam cover material that is not covered in the Microsoft training or Microsoft Press book I am using to prepare for the exam?
Microsoft prefers those learning materials whose contents aligns to the exams. However, these learning materials are independent of the exam content. This is because the exams intend to screen your competence in the job role.
6. What disability accommodations are available?
Microsoft ensures that its exams are accessible to everyone. Check the accommodations section to see the list of accommodations provided.
7. How much do exams cost?
The cost of the MS-600 exam is US$165. However, Exam prices are subject to change. Additional taxes may also apply in certain countries and regions.
Exam Specifics – MS-600 Exam FAQ
Check out the most important exam-related MS-600 FAQ below –
8. Why is the case study exam format used?
In the case study questions, Microsoft includes complicated scenarios. Microsoft can properly imitate the working approach of pros using this method. These questions are designed to assess your ability to discover the important information required to solve an issue, then analyse and synthesize it in order to make final conclusions.
9. After I complete a case study, will I be able to review the questions?
You can go over the questions again and again until you’re ready to move on to the next case or section. You won’t be able to go back and examine the questions once you’ve exited the case study. When you’ve completed a case study and answered all of the questions, a review screen will appear. This page allows you to review your comments and make any necessary changes before going on to the next case study.
10. What is the process for determining if an exam has been updated when a new feature or function is added or when something has changed in the associated technology?
Microsoft reviews its cloud-based exams every two months. Any changes in the objective domain and the already existing questions are directly incorporated into the exam.
11. How will I know if exam has been updated when a new feature or function is added or when something has changed in the associated technology?
Microsoft notifies about any such change or update, via the exam details page. Microsoft recommends you sign up for such communications to keep yourself informed about any updates.
Scoring and Results
12. How and when will I get my MS-600 exam results?
Within a few minutes of successfully finishing the exam, you will receive a pass or fail status. You will also receive printed reports that include your exam score and feedback on your performance. Within five business days, Microsoft will get your score.
13. Who should I contact if I have questions concerning beta exam results?
You must contact the exam delivery provider if you have not received a report within two weeks of the final exam being released. If you have any questions about your transcript, please contact Certification Support.
14. Who should I contact if I do not receive my 25% voucher for taking a beta exam?
If you have not received your discount voucher within 4 weeks of the live exam, then you must contact the customer service support team of the exam delivery provider.
15. Can I find out whether I answered a specific question correctly or whether how I answered a specific question affected my pass/fail status?
No, you won’t be able to obtain such a thorough report. Microsoft is looking for individuals who can demonstrate their talents for a specific job function, not their capacity to recall questions. To maintain the integrity of its certification process, Microsoft does not divulge such information.
16. How are questions scored? How many points is each question worth? Will I be penalized for answering a question incorrectly?
- Most of the questions are one point questions
- No negative marking
- Some questions are unscored – Microsoft will not provide information about such questions
17. How are exam scores calculated?
After completing the exam, the earned points are summed up and compared with the cut score to determine your exam status.
18. What score do I need to pass an exam?
A passing score of 700 and above is required to receive your Microsoft Certification.
19. I passed my first Microsoft Certification exam. Now what do I do?
Congratulations! See your benefits and exams dashboard, and explore the benefits you have at hand.
20. Can I request a re-evaluation of my score?
If Microsoft discovers a mistake in the exam questions, applicants are offered the opportunity to retake the exam for free. If you have a question about the technical correctness of a certain item, we propose that you file an online request. An Item Challenge form will be given to you after you submit your request.
21. How can I challenge an exam question?
You can use the Exam Item Challenge mechanism to obtain an assessment of that specific question. You have 30 days from the time you take the exam to submit the challenge.