Exam AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies

Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies (AZ-303) exam is for candidates who have skills and abilities for designing and implementing solutions running on Microsoft Azure, including aspects like compute, network, storage, and security. However, there are various responsibilities for an Azure Solution Architect that includes advising stakeholders and translating business requirements into secure, scalable, and reliable cloud solutions. An Azure Solution Architect partners with the cloud administrators, cloud DBAs, and clients for implementing the solutions.
Exam AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies is retiring on 31 March, 2022. AZ-305 replacement is available.
Knowledge required for the exam
Candidates applying for Microsoft Azure AZ-303 exam should have:
- Advanced experience and knowledge of IT operations
- High-level knowledge and understanding in areas like networking, virtualization, identity, security, business continuity, disaster recovery, data platform, budgeting, and governance. However, candidates in this role should know how to manage decisions in each area and affect an overall solution.
- In addition, they must have expert-level skills in Azure administration with having experience in Azure development and DevOps processes.
Learning Objectives
Microsoft provides exam objectives that help the candidates to understand and know about the concepts before preparation. Moreover, these exam concepts are provided with sections and subsections to make you learn about it in depth. For AZ-303, Microsoft includes training resources that provide a learning path to help you during the studying time. However, this exam validates candidates ability in accomplishing the following technical tasks:
- Implementing and monitoring an Azure infrastructure
- Implementing management and security solutions and solutions for apps
- Applying managing data platforms
Learning Path
Microsoft provides candidates access to the AZ-303 learning path that helps them to understand the concepts in a step by step format. However, these learning paths include modules that help candidates to enhance their skills and knowledge. Some of the learning paths for AZ-303 by Microsoft are:
- Architecting network infrastructure in Azure
- Architecting storage infrastructure in Azure
- Designing compute infrastructure in Azure
- Architecting infrastructure operations in Azure
- Architecting a data platform in Azure
- Building message brokering and serverless applications in Azure
- Architecting modern applications in Azure
- Architecting API integration in Azure
- Building migration, business continuity, and disaster recovery in Azure
Check AZ-303 Interview Questions
View our special AZ-303 Interview questions to boost your preparation and ace the exam with flying colors.
Microsoft AZ-303: Exam Format
Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies (AZ-303) exam consists of 40-60 questions. The types of questions that candidates can face in the exam include scenario-based single answer questions, multiple-choice questions, arrange in the correct sequence type questions, drag & drop questions, mark review, drag, and drop, etc. However, talking about the Microsoft AZ-303 passing score, a candidate has to score a minimum of 700 or more. To apply for the exam, the examination fee is $165 USD including taxes. And, candidates can give the exam in English, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), and Korean language.

Exam Scheduling
Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies (AZ-303) exam measures the ability to perform technical tasks for implementing and monitoring Azure infrastructure. However, candidates planning to take the AZ-303 exam can schedule their exam by login into their Microsoft account or create a new account then login.
Course Structure

Microsoft AZ-303 Exam has updates in the course outline as on May 25, 2021.
The updated Microsoft AZ-303 exam topics include:
Topic 1: Implement and Monitor an Azure Infrastructure
1.1 Implementing cloud infrastructure monitoring
1.1.1 monitoring security (Microsoft Documentation: Visualize and Monitor data, Azure security center)
1.1.2 monitoring performance
- configuring diagnostic settings on resources
- creating a performance baseline for resources
- monitoring for unused resources
- monitoring performance capacity (Microsoft Documentation: chart performance with Azure monitor for VMs)
- visualizing diagnostics data using Azure Monitor (Microsoft Documentation: visualizing data from Azure monitor)
1.1.3 monitoring health and availability
- monitoring networking (Microsoft Documentation: Azure monitor for networks)
- observing service health (Microsoft Documentation: service health overview)
1.1.4 monitoring cost
- monitoring spend (Microsoft Documentation: cost alert to monitor usage and spending)
- reporting on spend (Microsoft Documentation: Azure billing invoice and daily usage)
1.1.5 configuring advanced logging
- implementing and configuring Azure Monitor insights, including App Insights, Networks, Containers (Microsoft Documentation: overview of insights in Azure monitor)
- configuring a Log Analytics workspace (Microsoft Documentation: creating log analytics workspace in azure portal)
1.1.6 configuring logging for workloads (Microsoft Documentation: monitor workload)
1.1.7 initiating automated responses by using Action Groups (Microsoft Documentation: create and manage action groups in azure portal)
1.1.8 configuring and managing advanced alerts
- collecting alerts and metrics across multiple subscriptions
- viewing Alerts in Azure Monitor logs (Microsoft Documentation: create, view and manage activity log alert using an azure monitor)
1.2 Implementing storage accounts
- selecting storage account options based on a use case (Microsoft Documentation: core azure storage service)
- configuring Azure Files and Azure Blob storage
- configuring network access to the storage account (Microsoft Documentation: configure azure storage firewall and virtual networks)
- implementing Shared Access Signatures and access policies (Microsoft Documentation: grant limited access to azure storage using SAS)
- implementing Azure AD authentication for storage (Microsoft Documentation: authorize access to blogs and queues)
- managing access keys (Microsoft Documentation: manage storage account access)
- implementing Azure storage replication
- applying Azure storage account failover (Microsoft Documentation: disaster recovery and storage account failover)
1.3 Implementing VMs for Windows and Linux
- configuring High Availability (Microsoft Documentation: create and deploy virtual machines using azure PowerShell)
- configuring storage for VMs (Microsoft Documentation: azure managed disks)
- selecting virtual machine size (Microsoft Documentation: size for window virtual machines)
- implementing Azure Dedicated Hosts (Microsoft Documentation: deploy VMs to dedicated hosts)
- deploying and configuring scale sets (Microsoft Documentation: create virtual machine scale sets)
- configuring Azure Disk Encryption (Microsoft Documentation: create and encrypt Windows VMs)
1.4 Automating deployment and configuration of resources
- saving a deployment as an Azure Resource Manager template (Microsoft Documentation: template for VM)
- modifying Azure Resource Manager template (Microsoft Documentation: update resource in azure resource manager template)
- evaluating the location of new resources (Microsoft Documentation: resource location in ARM template)
- configuring a VHD template
- deploying from a template (Microsoft Documentation: create window VM from resource manager template)
- managing an image library
- creating and executing an automation runbook (Microsoft Documentation: deploy azure resource manager template)
1.5 Implementing virtual networking
- applying VNet to VNet connections (Microsoft Documentation: configure vnet to vnet vpn gateway connection using PowerShell)
- implementing VNet peering
1.6 Implementing Azure Active Directory
- adding custom domains (Microsoft Documentation: add custom domains using azure active directory portal)
- configuring Azure AD Identity Protection
- implementing self-service password reset (Microsoft Documentation: enable the user to open account or reset password)
- implementing Conditional Access including MFA (Microsoft Documentation: conditional access)
- configuring fraud alerts (Microsoft Documentation: fraud alert)
- configuring verification methods (Microsoft Documentation: verification methods)
- implementing and managing guest accounts (Microsoft Documentation: add a guest user to directory)
- managing multiple directories (Microsoft Documentation: understand multiple azure active directories)
1.7 Implementing and managing hybrid identities
- installing and configuring Azure AD Connect (Microsoft Documentation: azure AD connect)
- identifying synchronization options (Microsoft Documentation: objects and credentials syncing)
- configuring and managing password sync and password writeback (Microsoft Documentation: implement password hash sync)
- configuring single sign-on (Microsoft Documentation: configure SAML)
- configure Azure AD Connect cloud sync
- using Azure AD Connect Health
Topic 2: Implement Management and Security Solutions
2.1 Managing workloads in Azure
2.1.1 migrating workloads using Azure Migrate
2.1.2 implementing Azure Backup for VMs (Microsoft Documentation: back up Azure VM)
2.1.3 applying disaster recovery (Microsoft Documentation: disaster recovery for Azure VM)
2.1.4 implementing Azure Automation Update Management (Microsoft Documentation: enable update management)
2.2 Implementing load balancing and network security
- applying Azure Load Balancer (Microsoft Documentation: load balance internet traffic to VM)
- implementing an Azure Application Gateway (Microsoft Documentation: direct web traffic with Azure)
- Implement Web Application Firewall (Microsoft Documentation: create application gateway)
- implementing Azure Firewall (Microsoft Documentation: deploy and configure the azure firewall)
- implement Azure Firewall Manager
- implementing Azure Front Door Service (Microsoft Documentation: create front door)
- apply Azure Traffic Manager (Microsoft Documentation: create traffic manager profile)
- implementing Network Security Groups, Application Security Groups and Bastion (Microsoft Documentation: create, change or delete network security group)
2.3 Implementing and managing Azure governance solutions
- creating and managing a hierarchical structure that contains management groups, subscriptions and resource groups (Microsoft Documentation: create management groups)
- assigning RBAC roles (Microsoft Documentation: grant the user access to Azure resource)
- creating a custom RBAC role (Microsoft Documentation: create Azure custom role)
- configuring access to Azure resources by assigning roles
- configuring management access to Azure (Microsoft Documentation: Azure RBAC best practice)
- interpreting effective permissions (Microsoft Documentation: view user access)
- setting up and performing an access review (Microsoft Documentation: Azure AD access review)
- implementing and configuring Azure Policy (Microsoft Documentation: create and manage policies)
- implementing and configuring Azure Blueprints
2.4 Managing security for applications
- implementing and configuring KeyVault
- implementing and configuring Azure AD Managed Identities (Microsoft Documentation: use Windows VM system)
- registering and managing applications in Azure AD (Microsoft Documentation: register an application with Microsoft identity platform)
Topic 3: Implement Solutions for Apps
3.1 Implementing an application infrastructure
- creating and configuring Azure App Service (Microsoft Documentation: create ASP.Net core web)
- creating an App Service Web App for Containers (Microsoft Documentation: run custom Window container)
- designing and configuring an App Service plan (Microsoft Documentation: Azure App service plan)
- configuring App Service (Microsoft Documentation: App service in Azure portal)
- configuring networking for App Service (Microsoft Documentation: integrate the app with Azure Virtual Network)
- creating and managing deployment slots (Microsoft Documentation: set up staging environment)
- implementing Logic Apps (Microsoft Documentation: create automated, scheduled based workflows)
- implementing Azure Functions (Microsoft Documentation: create a function in Azure triggered by Blob storage)
3.2 Implement container-based applications
- creating a container image (Microsoft Documentation: build and deploy container image)
- configuring Azure Kubernetes Service (Microsoft Documentation: Deploy AKS)
- publishing and automating image management by using the Azure Container Registry (Microsoft Documentation: push the image to private docker container registry using docker CLI)
- deploy a solution on an Azure Container Instance (Microsoft Documentation: deploy container instance)
Topic 4: Implement and Manage Data Platforms
4.1 Implementing NoSQL databases
- configuring Azure Storage account tables (Microsoft Documentation: Create an Azure Storage table in the Azure portal)
- selecting appropriate CosmosDB APIs
- setting up replicas in CosmosDB (Microsoft Documentation: Add/remove regions from your Cosmos DB account, Configure Multiple write-regions)
4.2 Implementing Azure SQL databases
- configuring Azure SQL database settings (Microsoft Documentation: Configure Server-level IP firewall rules)
- implementing Azure SQL managed instances (Microsoft Documentation: Getting started with Azure SQL Managed Instance)
- configuring HA for an Azure SQL database (Microsoft Documentation: High-availability for Azure SQL Database)
- deploy an Azure SQL database (Microsoft Documentation: Different ways to publish updates to Azure SQL Database)
Exam Policies
Microsoft provides exam policies to help the candidates to plan and manage a positive outcome. Microsoft Certification exam policies give candidates access to all the exam-related details, accompanying the before and after exam procedures. These exam policies are the inclusion of certain rules that need to be followed during the exam time or at testing centers.
For More Visit: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies (AZ-303) Exam FAQs
Preparation guide for Microsoft AZ-303 Exam

Microsoft Learning Platform
The learning resource that will be beneficial during the exam preparation is the Microsoft learning platform. For the AZ-303 exam, it would be best to first go through the Microsoft official website to get authentic information about the exam. You can easily locate the AZ-303 exam page where you can just go through all the necessary information about the AZ-303 exam.
Microsoft Documentation
Microsoft documentation helps candidates to understand the various concepts for the Microsoft AZ-303 exam. Moreover, using the documentation they will be able to gain skills and knowledge in various areas. Candidates using the Microsoft docs courses and modules for Microsoft Azure AZ-303 exam will gain knowledge in:
- Securing identities with Azure Active Directory and users and groups.
- Implementing identity solutions spanning on-premises and cloud-based capabilities
- Applying monitoring solutions for collecting, combining, and analyzing data from different sources.
- Managing subscriptions, accounts, Azure policies, and Role-Based Access Control.
- Administering Azure using the Resource Manager, Azure portal, Cloud Shell, and CLI.
- Configuring intersite connectivity solutions like VNet Peering, and virtual network gateways.
- Administering Azure App Service, Azure Container Instances, and Kubernetes.
Instructor-led Training
Microsoft has given an advantage to candidates providing instructor-led training. This Microsoft Azure AZ-303 training will help students to gain knowledge in Microsoft Azure architect technologies. However, the instructor-led training comes with two courses designed to help candidates pass the AZ-303 exam. They are:
Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies
This training course helps candidates to translate business requirements into secure, scalable, and reliable solutions. The lessons in this are virtualization, automation, networking, storage, identity, security, data platform, and application infrastructure. This course is designed for IT Professionals having skills in designing and implementing solutions running on Microsoft Azure. Moreover, they must have broad knowledge in IT operations as well as in networking, virtualization, identity, security, business continuity, disaster recovery, data platform, budgeting, and governance.
Microsoft Azure technologies for AWS architects
This course helps the Solutions Architects who have previously designed for Amazon Web Services to translate business requirements into secure, scalable, and reliable solutions for Azure. However, the lessons include virtualization, automation, networking, storage, identity, security, data platform, and application infrastructure. This course is designed for AWS Cloud Architects with expertise in designing and implementing solutions running on AWS who now want to design for Microsoft Azure.
Online Study Groups
The online study groups can be very beneficial during the exam preparation time. As these groups will help you to stay connected with the other people who are on the same pathway as yours. Moreover, here you can start any discussion about the issue related to the exam or any query. By doing so, you will get the best possible answer to your query.
Practice Tests
Practice tests are important as by assessing yourself with these tests you will know about your weak and strong areas. However, by practicing you will be able to improve your answering skills that will result in saving a lot of time. Moreover, the best way to start doing Microsoft AZ-303 practice tests is after completing one full topic as this will work as a revision part for you. So, make sure to find the best practice sources.
Start Preparing for Microsoft Azure Technologies Architect (AZ-303) Exam
Exam AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies Online Learning Tutorial

Testprep Training offers online learning tutorial to bail you out in the preparation of Exam AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies. The tutorial has been made to help candidates prepare thoroughly for the exam along with developing conceptual clarity of each and every topic. They have been prepared with utmost attention to one’s time so that one can learn more by devoting limited time. The tutorial covers the following learning domains –
- Implement and monitor an Azure infrastructure
- Implement management and security solutions
- Implementing solutions for apps
- Implement and manage data platforms
Let us dig deeper and enrich our knowledge in these domains to pass the Exam AZ-303 with flying colors.
Topic 1: Implement and Monitor an Azure Infrastructure
1.1 Implementing cloud infrastructure monitoring
1.1.1 How to Monitor and Visualize your Data in Azure Sentinel?
1.1.2 monitoring performance
1.1.3 monitoring health and availability
1.1.4 monitoring cost
1.1.5 configuring advanced logging
1.1.6 configuring logging for workloads
Monitor Workload in Azure Portal
1.1.7 initiating automated responses by using Action Groups
Learn to create and manage action groups
1.1.8 configuring and managing advanced alerts
1.2 Implementing storage accounts
- What are Core Azure Storage services?
- How to Create an Azure File Share?
- Learn about Configuring Azure Storage firewalls and virtual networks
- Using Shared Access Signatures (SAS) in Azure Storage
- How to Authorize access to blobs and queues in Azure Active Directory?
- Learn to Manage storage account access keys
- How to Initiate a storage account failover?
1.3 Implementing VMs for Windows and Linux
- How to Create and deploy highly available virtual machines?
- Learn about Azure managed disks
- Selecting Sizes for virtual machines in Azure
- How to Deploy VMs to dedicated hosts in portal?
- Quickstart : Creating a virtual machine scale set
- How to Create and encrypt a Windows virtual machine?
1.4 Automating deployment and configuration of resources
- Downloading VM template
- Updating a resource in an Azure Resource Manager template
- Setting resource location in ARM template and Test VM
- Know about Windows virtual machine and Template Library
- Deploying Azure Resource Manager templates in PowerShell runbook?
1.5 Implementing virtual networking
1.6 Implementing Azure Active Directory
- Learn to Add custom domain name using the Azure Active Directory portal
- How to unlock account or reset passwords?
- Learn about Conditional Access: Require MFA for all users
- Learn to Enable per-user Azure Multi-Factor Authentication
- Learning to Configure Azure Multi-Factor Authentication settings
- Learn to Add guest users to your directory in the Azure portal
- How multiple Azure Active Directory organizations interact?
1.7 Implementing and managing hybrid identities
- Get started with Azure AD Connect using express settings
- How objects & credentials are synchronized in Azure Active Directory?
- Learn to Implement password hash synchronization
- View the list of applications that are using your Azure AD tenant for identity
Topic 2: Implement Management and Security Solutions
2.1 Managing workloads in Azure
2.1.1 migrating workloads using Azure Migrate
- Learn to Assess VMware VMs with Server Assessment
- Learning to Select a VMware migration option
- Learn about Prepare on-premises machines
2.1.2 Learn to Back up an Azure VM from the VM settings
2.1.3 Setting up disaster recovery for Azure VMs
2.1.4 How to Enable Update Management from the Azure portal
2.2 Implementing load balancing and network security
- Load balance internet traffic to VMs using the Azure portal
- Learn to Direct web traffic with Azure Application Gateway
- Create an application gateway
- Deploy and configure Azure Firewall
- Create a Front Door with HTTP to HTTPS redirection
- Create a Traffic Manager profile
- Implementing Network Security Groups
- Application Security Groups and Bastion
2.3 Implementing and managing Azure governance solutions
- Create management groups
- Granting a user access to Azure resources
- Creating an Azure custom role using Azure PowerShell
- Add or remove a role assignment
- Best practices for Azure RBAC & Viewing Role Assignments
- Learn about What are Azure AD access reviews and usage?
2.4 Managing security for applications
Topic 3: Implement Solutions for Apps
3.1 Implementing an application infrastructure
- Creating an ASP.NET Core web app in Azure
- Run a custom Windows container in Azure
- Azure App Service plan
- Configure an App Service app
- Setting up staging environments in Azure App Service
- Create a function that’s triggered by Blob storage
3.2 Implement container-based applications
- Build and deploy container images in the cloud
- Deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster
- Push your first image to a private Docker container registry
- Deploy a container instance in Azure
Topic 4: Implement and Manage Data Platforms
4.1 Implementing NoSQL databases
4.2 Implementing Azure SQL databases