Top AWS Architect Interview Questions

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Top AWS Architect Interview Questions

AWS is by far the most dominating supplier, with a 40% market share and estimated revenue of $14 billion in 2017. This isn’t only excellent for Amazon’s bottom line. If you’re considering a career as an AWS Solutions Architect Associate, this is also fantastic news. The national average pay for an AWS Architect in the United States is $121,189, according to Glassdoor.

If you’re considering a career change and are prepared for an AWS Architect job interview, the material below can help you. You’re probably not the only one after that AWS job, so make sure you’re well-prepared, both in terms of training and certification and in terms of the interview. With some frequently requested AWS Solutions Architect interview questions, you’ll be able to demonstrate your understanding of essential topics, as well as the newest trends and best practices for working with AWS architecture.

1. What are the differences between terminating and stopping an instance?

When an instance is stopped, it executes a typical shutdown. After that, it executes transactions. You may restart the instance at any time because all of the EBS volumes are still there. The nicest part is that users are not charged for the time the instance is in the pause state.

The instance shuts down normally after being terminated. Following that, Amazon EBS volumes begin to be deleted. Simply change the “Delete on Termination” to false to prevent them from deleting. It is not feasible to run the instance again in the future because it is erase.

2. What should the tenancy attribute of the instance be set to in order to execute it on single-tenant hardware?

It should be set to dedicate Instance for single-tenant hardware to work smoothly. For this operation, any other values are invalid.

3. When should an EIP be use to purchase costs?

Elastic Internet Protocol address as EIP. When an EIP is associate and allot with a halted instance, costs are acquire. You will not be charge if there is only one Elastic IP associated with the instance you are running. You must pay for the IP if it is associate with a halted instance or if it is not associated with any instance.

4. What’s the difference between a Spot Instance and an On-Demand Instance?

Bidding is identical to Spot instance, and the Spot price is the price of bidding. Pricing models include both spot and on-demand instances. There is no commitment to a precise time from the user in either of them. Spot instances can be used without making an advance payment, however, this is not allowed with On-demand instances. It must be acquired first, and it costs more than the spot instance.

5. Identify the types of instances for which Multi AZ-deployments are available.

The Multi-AZ deployments are simply available for all the instances irrespective of their types and use.

6. What network performance factors may be expected when Instances are launched in the cluster placement group?

Actually, it is very dependent on the type of Instance as well as the network performance criteria. If they are placed in the placement group, the following parameters can be expected.

  • 20 Gbps in case of full-duplex or when in multi-flow
  • Up to 10 Gbps in case of a single-flow
  • Outside the group, the traffic is limited to 5 Gbps

7. In Amazon Web Services, which instance can be use to install a 4-node Hadoop cluster?

This can be done with an i2.large or a c4.8x large instance. C.4bx, on the other hand, requires a superior PC configuration. At some points, you can just launch the EMR to have the server automatically configured. Data can be uploaded to S3 and then retrieved by EMR. After processing, it will reload your data into S3.

8. What are your thoughts on an AMI?

AMI is commonly known as the virtual machine template. It is possible to select pre-baked AMIs that AMI frequently has in them when creating an instance. However, not all AMIs are completely free to use. It is also feasible to create a customize AMI, and the most typical purpose for doing so is to save Amazon Web Service space. This is done in the event where a group of software isn’t necessary and AMI may be easily changing.

9. Tell us about the many factors to consider while deciding on an availability zone.

There are a number of factors to consider in this regard. Performance, cost, latency, and reaction time are just a few of them.

10. What do you know about the difference between a private and a public address?

The private address is linked to the instance and is only sent back to EC2 if the instance is terminate or stop. The public address, on the other hand, is linked to the Instance in a similar way until it is terminated or stopped. Elastic IP can be used to replace the public address. When a user wants it to stay with Instance for whatever reason, this is done.

11. Is it possible to operate many websites on a single Elastic IP address on an EC2 server?

No, it isn’t feasible. In this instance, we’ll need more than one elastic IP.

12. What are the various security practises available for Amazon EC2?

This can be accomplish in a variety of ways. The security group’s protocols should be reviewed on a regular basis, and the principle of least privilege should be applied there. For regulating and safeguarding access, the next best practice is to use access management and AWS identity. Access will only be given to trusted hosts and networks. Furthermore, only the permissions that are required are open, not any others. Password-based logins for the instances should likewise be disable.

13. In Processor State Control, what states are available?

It contains two states and they are:

  • The P-state contains several levels, ranging from P0 to P15. P0 denotes the highest frequency, whereas P15 denotes the lowest frequency.
  • C-State- The processor’s levels range from C0 to C6, with C6 being the most powerful.
  • These states can be customised in a few EC2 instances, allowing users to tailor the processor to their specific needs.

14. Name the approach that restricts the access of third-party software in Storage Service to the S3 bucket named “Company Backup”?

There is a policy named custom IAM user policy that limits the S3 API in the bucket.

15. S3 can be used in conjunction with EC2 instances. How?

Yes, it’s doable if the instances have root devices and the instance storage supports it. All of Amazon’s websites are host on one of the most stable, scalable, fast, and cost-effective networks available. It is possible for developers to connect to the same network with the help of S3. When it comes to executing systems in EC2, there are technologies accessible in AMIs that users can consider. The files can easily be transfer from EC2 to S3.

16. Is it feasible to make Snowball’s data transfer faster? How?

Yes, it’s conceivable. There are a few approaches to this. The first is simply copying Snowballs from separate hosts to the same one. Another option is to create a collection of smaller files. This is beneficial because it reduces encryption concerns. Data transfer can also be improved by repeating copy operations at the same time, assuming the workstation is capable of handling the load.

17. What mechanism will you utilise to move the data over a very long distance?

A nice option is Amazon Transfer Acceleration. Other methods exist, such as Snowball, but they do not permit data transfer over vast distances, such as between continents. The greatest option is Amazon Transfer Acceleration, which essentially throttles data using specialized network channels and ensures a very fast data transfer speed.

18. What happens if the instances are launched in an Amazon VPC?

When it comes to launching EC2 instances, this is a standard technique that is taken into consideration. If the instances are start in Amazon VPC, each one will have a default IP address. When connecting cloud resources to data centers, this strategy is also taken into account.

19. Is it possible to connect an Amazon cloud environment to a corporate data centre? How?

Yes, it’s conceivable. First, a Virtual Private Network between the Virtual Private Cloud and the organization’s network must be constructed. After that, the connection may be easily established, and data can be access with confidence.

20. Why is it not possible to change or modify an EC2 instance’s private IP address while it is running?

This is due to the fact that the instance’s private IP remains with it indefinitely or during its life cycle. As a result, it cannot be altered or amended. The secondary private address, on the other hand, can be changed.

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21. Why is it necessary to construct subnets?

They are required in order to reliably use a network with a large number of hosts. Managing them all is, of course, a daunting endeavor. It is possible to make the network simpler by separating it into smaller subnets, and the risks of errors or data loss are greatly reduce.

22. Is it possible to use a routing table to connect numerous subnets?

Yes, it’s conceivable. When it comes to routing network packets, they are often taken into account. When a subnet contains many route tables, it can be difficult to figure out where these packets are going. There should be just one route table in a subnet for no other reason than this. Because a routing table can have an endless number of records, it is feasible to attach many subnets to it.

23. What happens if AWS Direct Connect doesn’t work properly?

It’s a good idea to back up the Direct Connect because you could lose everything if there’s a power outage. The issues can be avoide by enabling BFD (Bi-directional Forwarding Detection). If you don’t have a backup, VPC traffic will be drop, and you’ll have to start over from the beginning.

24. What happens if the requested content isn’t available in CloudFront?

CloudFront delivered material from the primary server directly to the edge location’s cache memory. Because it’s a content delivery system, it’ll want to reduce latency, which is why it’ll happen. The data would be served straight from the cache location if the procedure was repeat a second time.

25. Is it feasible to transport things between data centres via direct connect?

Yes, it’s conceivable. This task can be complete since Cloud Front supports configurable origins. However, depending on the data transmission rates, you will have to pay for it.

26. When should Provisional IOPS be consider above Standard RDS storage in AWS?

There is a requirement for this if you have hosts that are batch-oriented. Provisional IOPs are known to deliver quicker IO rates. However, when compared to other possibilities, they are a little pricey. Users do not need to intervene manually with hosts that use batch processing.

27. What’s the difference between RDS, Redshift, and DynamoDB?

RDS is a database management system (DBMS) service for relational databases. It’s useful for automatically upgrading and patching data. However, it only works with structured data. Redshift, on the other hand, is utilize for data analysis. It essentially functions as a data warehousing service. When it comes to DynamoDB, it is used when dealing with unstructure data is require. When compared to Redshift and DynamoDB, RDS is faster. They’re all-powerful enough to complete their responsibilities without making mistakes.

28. Is it possible to use Amazon RDS to run numerous databases for free?

Yes, it’s conceivable. However, there is a rigorous upper limit of 750 hours of usage after which all charges will be made according to RDS rates. If you go over the limit, you will only be charged for the hours over 750.

29. Which of the following services can be use to collect and process e-commerce data?

The best solutions are Amazon Redshift and Amazon DynamoDB. Data from e-commerce websites are typically unstructured. We can utilize both of them because they are beneficial for unstructured data.

30. What is Connection Draining and Why Is It Important?

At some points, the traffic must be re-verify for bugs or undesirable files that pose a security risk. Connection draining assists in rerouting traffic that originates from Instances and is waiting to be update.

31. I have a few private servers, and I also use the public cloud to share some workloads. What kind of structure is this?

The hybrid cloud is create when both private and public cloud services are combine. When private and public clouds are virtually on the same network, it is easy to comprehend a hybrid architecture.

32. What is Amazon EC2 and how does it work?

Elastic Compute Cloud, or EC2, is a service that provides scalable computing power. Using Amazon EC2 eliminates the need to purchase hardware, allowing for speedier application development and deployment. Amazon EC2 allows you to create as many or as few virtual servers as you need, as well as establish security and networking and manage storage. It can scale up or down to meet changing demands, decreasing the need for traffic forecasting. Instances are virtual computing environments provided by EC2.

33. What are some of the Amazon EC2 security best practices?

Using Identity and Access Management (IAM) to control access to AWS resources; restricting access by only allowing trusted hosts or networks to access ports on an instance; only allowing those permissions you require, and disabling password-based logins for instances launch from your AMI are all security best practices for Amazon EC2.

34. What exactly is Amazon S3?

Amazon S3 stands for Simple Storage Service, and it is the most widely used storage platform. S3 is a type of object storage that allows you to store and retrieve any quantity of data from any location. Despite its adaptability, it is practically limitless as well as cost-effective because to its on-demand storage. In addition to these advantages, it provides unrivaled durability and availability. Amazon S3 assists with data management for cost savings, access control, and compliance.

35. Is S3 compatible with EC2 instances, and if so, how?

For instances with root devices supported by local instance storage, Amazon S3 can be use. Developers will be able to access the same highly scalable, reliable, quick, and low-cost data storage infrastructure that Amazon employs to host its own worldwide network of websites. Developers put Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) into Amazon S3 and then move them between Amazon S3 and Amazon EC2 to run systems in the Amazon EC2 environment.

36. How Is Identity and Access Management (IAM) Used?

IAM (Identity and Access Management) is a web service for controlling access to AWS services in a safe manner. IAM allows you to manage users, security credentials like access keys, and permissions that determine which AWS resources users and apps have access to.

37. What Is Amazon VPC?

A virtual private cloud (VPC) is the most efficient way to access to your cloud resources from your own data center. Each instance is given a private IP address that can be accessible from your datacenter once you connect your datacenter to the VPC where your instances are located. You’ll be able to access your public cloud services as if they were on your own private network in this way.

38. What Is Amazon Route 53 and How does it work?

The Amazon Route 53 Domain Name System is a scalable and highly available DNS service (DNS). The name refers to TCP or UDP port 53, which is use to send DNS server requests.

39. What is Cloudtrail, and how does it interact with Route 53?

CloudTrail is a service that records information about every request made by an AWS account to the Amazon Route 53 API, including requests made by IAM users. These requests’ log files are save to an Amazon S3 bucket by CloudTrail. CloudTrail keeps track of all requests and logs them. You may utilise the information in the CloudTrail log files to figure out which requests were sent to Amazon Route 53, the IP address from which they were sent, who sent them, when they were sent, and so on.

40. When would you choose provisioned IOPS over traditional RDS storage?

When you have batch-oriented workloads, you’d need Provisioned IOPS. Provisioned IOPS provide high IO rates, but they are also costly. Batch processing workloads, on the other hand, do not necessitate manual involvement.

41. What is Amazon EC2 and how does it work?

Elastic Compute Cloud, or Amazon EC2, is an AWS offering for providing highly scalable computing capability. Amazon EC2 can eliminate the requirement for hardware investments, resulting in speedier application development and deployment.

42. What exactly is Amazon S3?

Amazon S3, also known as Simple Storage Service, is an AWS storage service. Object storage enables the storage and retrieval of large amounts of data from any location. Furthermore, it is limitless, and users can access storage on demand.

43. What is Identity Access Management (IAM) and how does it work?

Identity Access Management (IAM) in AWS is a web service that allows for secure access control to AWS services. It aids in the administration of users as well as security credentials like permissions and access keys.

44. What is Amazon Route 53?

Amazon Route 53 is a DNS solution that promises increased scalability and availability. The name comes from TCP or UDP port 53, which is the place where all DNS server requests are send.

45. What is the procedure for sending an Amazon S3 request?

The REST API allows users to make calls to Amazon S3. You can also make use of the AWS SDK wrapper libraries, which include the Amazon S3 REST API.

46. Is it necessary to encrypt S3?

Because S3 is a proprietary technology, users should think about encrypting sensitive data.

47. In CloudFront, define Geo Restriction.

Geo Restriction, often known as geoblocking, is the technique of restricting user access privileges to material publish through a specific CloudFront online distribution in specific geographic locations.

48. What does a T2 instance entail?

T2 instances are design to deliver modest levels of baseline performance. Additionally, they have the capacity to increase the performance levels required by the workloads.

49. In AWS, how do you define a serverless application?

The Serverless Application Model (SAM) in AWS aids in the extension of AWS CloudFormation’s capabilities. As a result, users can receive an easy way to define Amazon API Gateway APIs, Amazon DynamoDB tables, and AWS Lambda functions for their serverless application.

50. Define SQS.

Simple Queue Service (SQS) is an AWS distributed message queuing service. It works on a pay-per-use approach and acts as a mediator between two controllers.

51. Which Amazon Web Services services assist in the collection and processing of eCommerce data for real-time analysis?

Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Redshift, Amazon ElastiCache, and Amazon Elastic MapReduce are AWS services for collecting and processing eCommerce data for real-time data analysis.

52. What exactly is DynamoDB?

Amazon’s DynamoDB service is a fully managed NoSQL database. It accommodates key-value and document data structures. DynamoDB is excellent for use cases that require a dependable NoSQL database with a flexible model.

53.What are the notable features of Amazon AWS Architect ?

  • AutoComplete advice
  • Highlighting
  • Range searches
  • Prefix searches
  • Entire text search
  • Boolean searches
  • Faceting term boosting

54. Define the management of configurations.

The process of managing system configuration is known as configuration management. It also covers the management of the systems’ services, which is all done through code.

55. Do you have any experience with DevOps tools?

The following are some of the most notable DevOps tools:

  • Docker is a containerization tool.
  • Nagios is a continuous monitoring tool.
  • Chef, Ansible, SaltStack, and Puppet are development and configuration management tools.
  • Git is a version control system tool.
  • Jenkins is a continuous integration tool.

Expert Advice for AWS Architect Interview

These AWS Architect interview questions will help you anticipate the types of questions you’ll be asked during your next AWS interview. AWS is a multi-faceted cloud computing system comprised of several online services that offer numerous advantages. It’s also a changing and evolving solution, as Amazon is constantly looking for ways to improve the service so that it can better serve the businesses that utilize it. You could wish to brush up on the newest AWS news before your interview to demonstrate that you are aware of the latest developments.
